A Different Approach to Relaxing in the Air

While cheaptravel options, such as cheap airplane tickets, and cheap vacation packages oftenare how most people can afford to travel, figuring out how to relax whileflying is difficult for some.

Potential ways for a flier to distract him or herself on aflight include reading, watching a video, and/or listening to music.

However, if you are interested in engaging in a moredynamic activity that keeps you busy and results in some modicum of accomplishmentconsider packing crayons, a coloring book, and then getting to work in theair.

Experts have found that coloring helps reduce stress. Coloring can be used as a relaxationtechnique where a person can enter into a more creative, freer state. It can also connect people with how theyfeel, since depending on their moods they often select different colors orintensity.

Given that coloring is now considerable an acceptablepastime for adults, there are plenty of coloring books appropriate for whateverage group. You do not need to limityourself to black and white outlines of Disney princesses and Teenage MutantNinja Turtles.

There are lots of adult coloring books for sale atbookstores almost everywhere. Examplesinclude a Ryan Gosling coloring book and a Hipster Coloring Book for Adults.

When it comes to selecting crayons, would be travelersshould select traveling light with a modest set featuring mostly primarycolors. A small pack of Crayolas (aneight pack set costs $2) will do the trick. Alternatively borrow your crayons from a local restaurant before yourdeparture.

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