Pay More to Sit Next to a Vegan?

Many frequent fliers who highly value cheap airplane tickets and cheap vacation packages do not mind paying more for truly optional services so long as there is a perceived real value that comes with those options.

Dietitians at the non-profit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine claim that American Airlines could raise much needed revenue and create better traveling conditions for its passengers by offering a $10 option to sit next to a vegan on flights.

The group is running a commercial on YouTube and CNN Airport Network which shows two passengers in aisle seats. One selects the Sit Next to a Vegan option and has a slim, attractive blonde as his seatmate. The other, who chose not to pay for the vegan premium, is seated next to a considerably heavy person.

The dietitians claim that passengers are concerned about their space on airplane seats being encroached upon by neighboring seatmates and many would pay a $10 surcharge to reserve the seat next to them for a person following a vegan diet.

They contend that People who skip the meat and cheese tend to be much slimmer. While they admit that their commercial is a tongue in cheek way to bring attention to the problem, the epidemic of obesity is serious. Excessively heavy people tend to suffer from diabetes and other health problems.
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