Tips on Securing Best Economy Seats

Just because you have purchased cheap airplane tickets or cheap vacation packages is no reason to leave it to chance whether you are assigned desirable seats in coach. Few passengers want seats that offer no storage for their belongings, do not recline, and/or seats right next to the bathroom.

Spending a little time visiting airline seat review sites can make your flight a whole lot more enjoyable. SeatGuru and SeatExpert are some of the more popular sites. Both sites offer aircraft seat maps for most major airlines, a color coded system that identifies good and bad seats and detailed descriptions of amenities. Users are able to view their plane maps by entering the flight number or the aircraft type showing on their itineraries.

Frequent fliers often now check out seat review sites prior to purchasing tickets because they prefer certain aircraft types, or to make certain the plane will have Wi-Fi and/or power outlets on board.

Both SeatGuru and SeatExpert usually offer much more information than airlines. They constantly update their information but sometimes have been found to include outdated details.

SeatGuru offers over 700 seat maps from almost 100 airlines. It typically provides more information than competitors. Users can sort by airline or flight and can view icon based maps showing detailed information such as the degree first class seats recline and seats that are missing windows. It accepts reader comments.

SeatExpert offers 300 seat maps for over 50 large airlines. Users can sort by airline or flight or search plane type by departure date.

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